Talentism is the new capitalism
To: All Colleagues Worldwide
From: Hans Leentjes, Executive Vice President, President of Northern Europe
Subject: Discussing “Leading in the Human Age” at Davos
Dear Colleagues,
Greetings! With packed schedules of meetings with business leaders, policymakers and media, our delegation is busy here at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Switzerland. It’s been great to see everyone preparing to get the global economy back on a path of stable growth and higher employment. Among our peers, we’ve had the chance to discuss the details of our annual analysis of the Future Forces, which Jonas Prising, ManpowerGroup President alluded to yesterday, titled “Leading in the Human Age: Why an era of certain uncertainty requires new approaches to the world of work.”
Our analysis is centered on the forces evolving in this volatile age; how they are growing more intertwined, pushing and pulling in different directions until they become impossible to separate, much like a Gordian Knot. In a related press release issued today, Jonas said “In a world where economic, political and social turmoil are creating an era of uncertainty, companies’ flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to new market conditions is crucial.» Today we heard Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum echo Jonas’ sentiment. “The world has not yet escaped the risk of a collapse in the global economy despite some renewed confidence heading into 2013,” said Klaus. He called for business and government leaders to focus on «cautious realism» and a recovery of public trust to avoid another major financial crisis. “We need new ways of thinking. It’s not the traditional employment which will solve the issue,» he said.
Again, this parallels our recommendations. See today’s release where we highlight the Top 10 Principles for Building the Human Age Corporation, allowing companies to respond quickly to fluctuating market forces and outpace competitors. Today our delegation had a chance to discuss this theme along with youth unemployment and the skills mismatch with publications from Denmark, India, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. While the burgeoning population of younger workers should logically result in providing talent to employers, a lack of hard and soft skills among today’s youth is actually intensifying a global talent shortage. Youth unemployment will clearly be the epidemic of this next decade unless we address it immediately.
El talento es el nuevo capitalismo
A: Todos los colegas en todo el mundo
De: Hans Leentjes, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo, Presidente de Europa del Norte
Asunto: Discutiendo «Liderando en Human Age» en Davos
Estimados colegas:
Saludos! Con apretadas agendas de reuniones con líderes empresariales, políticos y medios de comunicación, nuestra delegación está ocupado aquí en el Foro Económico Mundial (WEF) en Suiza. Ha sido genial ver a todo el mundo se prepara para sacar a la economía mundial en una senda de crecimiento estable y más empleo. Entre nuestros compañeros, hemos tenido la oportunidad de discutir los detalles de nuestro análisis anual de las Fuerzas Futuras, que Jonas Prising, ManpowerGroup Presidente aludió ayer, titulado «Liderazgo en Human Age: ¿Por qué una era de incertidumbre determinada requiere nuevos enfoques . para el mundo del trabajo «
Nuestro análisis se centra en las fuerzas evolutivas en esta era volátil, la forma en que son cada vez más entrelazadas, empujando y tirando en distintas direcciones hasta que se vuelven imposibles de separar, como un nudo gordiano. En una nota de prensa emitida hoy, Jonas dijo: «En un mundo en crisis económica, política y social están creando una era de incertidumbre, la flexibilidad de las empresas y la capacidad de adaptarse rápidamente a las nuevas condiciones del mercado es crucial.»
Hoy hemos escuchado Klaus Schwab, Presidente Ejecutivo del sentimiento del Foro Económico Mundial eco Jonas. «El mundo aún no ha escapado al riesgo de un colapso en la economía mundial a pesar de cierta confianza renovada de cara al 2013«, dijo Klaus. Él llamó a los líderes empresariales y gubernamentales para centrarse en «prudente realismo» y una recuperación de la confianza pública para evitar otra crisis financiera importante. «Necesitamos nuevas formas de pensar. No es el empleo tradicional, que va a resolver el problema«, dijo.
De nuevo, esto es paralelo a nuestras recomendaciones. Véase el comunicado de hoy, donde se destacan los 10 Principios para Construir la Sociedad Edad humana, lo que permite a las empresas responder rápidamente a las fluctuantes y las fuerzas del mercado a sus competidores. Hoy nuestra delegación tuvo la oportunidad de discutir este tema, junto con el desempleo juvenil y el desajuste de habilidades con las publicaciones de Dinamarca, India, Suiza y los Países Bajos. Mientras que la creciente población de trabajadores jóvenes lógicamente debería resultar en la prestación de talento a los empresarios, la falta de habilidades duras y blandas entre los jóvenes de hoy en día es en realidad la intensificación de la escasez de talento global. El desempleo juvenil será claramente la epidemia de la década siguiente, a menos que se traten de inmediato.
Our analysis is centered on the forces evolving in this volatile age; how they are growing more intertwined, pushing and pulling in different directions until they become impossible to separate, much like a Gordian Knot. In a related press release issued today, Jonas said “In a world where economic, political and social turmoil are creating an era of uncertainty, companies’ flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to new market conditions is crucial.»
Our analysis is centered on the forces evolving in this volatile age; how they are growing more intertwined, pushing and pulling in different directions until they become impossible to separate, much like a Gordian Knot. In a related press release issued today, Jonas said “In a world where economic, political and social turmoil are creating an era of uncertainty, companies’ flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to new market conditions is crucial.»
Today our delegation had a chance to discuss this theme along with youth unemployment and the skills mismatch with publications from Denmark, India, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. While the burgeoning population of younger workers should logically result in providing talent to employers, a lack of hard and soft skills among today’s youth is actually intensifying a global talent shortage. Youth unemployment will clearly be the epidemic of this next decade unless we address it immediately.
Talentism is the new capitalism
To: All Colleagues Worldwide
From: Hans Leentjes, Executive Vice President, President of Northern Europe
Subject: Discussing “Leading in the Human Age” at Davos
Dear Colleagues,
Greetings! With packed schedules of meetings with business leaders, policymakers and media, our delegation is busy here at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Switzerland. It’s been great to see everyone preparing to get the global economy back on a path of stable growth and higher employment. Among our peers, we’ve had the chance to discuss the details of our annual analysis of the Future Forces, which Jonas Prising, ManpowerGroup President alluded to yesterday, titled “Leading in the Human Age: Why an era of certain uncertainty requires new approaches to the world of work.”
Our analysis is centered on the forces evolving in this volatile age; how they are growing more intertwined, pushing and pulling in different directions until they become impossible to separate, much like a Gordian Knot. In a related press release issued today, Jonas said “In a world where economic, political and social turmoil are creating an era of uncertainty, companies’ flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to new market conditions is crucial.»
Today we heard Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum echo Jonas’ sentiment. “The world has not yet escaped the risk of a collapse in the global economy despite some renewed confidence heading into 2013,” said Klaus. He called for business and government leaders to focus on «cautious realism» and a recovery of public trust to avoid another major financial crisis. “We need new ways of thinking. It’s not the traditional employment which will solve the issue,» he said. Again, this parallels our recommendations. See today’s release where we highlight the Top 10 Principles for Building the Human Age Corporation, allowing companies to respond quickly to fluctuating market forces and outpace competitors.
Today our delegation had a chance to discuss this theme along with youth unemployment and the skills mismatch with publications from Denmark, India, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. While the burgeoning population of younger workers should logically result in providing talent to employers, a lack of hard and soft skills among today’s youth is actually intensifying a global talent shortage. Youth unemployment will clearly be the epidemic of this next decade unless we address it immediately.
Talentism is the new capitalism
To: All Colleagues Worldwide
From: Hans Leentjes, Executive Vice President, President of Northern Europe
Subject: Discussing “Leading in the Human Age” at Davos
Dear Colleagues,
Greetings! With packed schedules of meetings with business leaders, policymakers and media, our delegation is busy here at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Switzerland. It’s been great to see everyone preparing to get the global economy back on a path of stable growth and higher employment. Among our peers, we’ve had the chance to discuss the details of our annual analysis of the Future Forces, which Jonas Prising, ManpowerGroup President alluded to yesterday, titled “Leading in the Human Age: Why an era of certain uncertainty requires new approaches to the world of work.”
Our analysis is centered on the forces evolving in this volatile age; how they are growing more intertwined, pushing and pulling in different directions until they become impossible to separate, much like a Gordian Knot. In a related press release issued today, Jonas said “In a world where economic, political and social turmoil are creating an era of uncertainty, companies’ flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to new market conditions is crucial.»
Today we heard Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum echo Jonas’ sentiment. “The world has not yet escaped the risk of a collapse in the global economy despite some renewed confidence heading into 2013,” said Klaus. He called for business and government leaders to focus on «cautious realism» and a recovery of public trust to avoid another major financial crisis. “We need new ways of thinking. It’s not the traditional employment which will solve the issue,» he said. Again, this parallels our recommendations. See today’s release where we highlight the Top 10 Principles for Building the Human Age Corporation, allowing companies to respond quickly to fluctuating market forces and outpace competitors.
Today our delegation had a chance to discuss this theme along with youth unemployment and the skills mismatch with publications from Denmark, India, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. While the burgeoning population of younger workers should logically result in providing talent to employers, a lack of hard and soft skills among today’s youth is actually intensifying a global talent shortage. Youth unemployment will clearly be the epidemic of this next decade unless we address it immediately.
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